Just Fake-Tan!
A few weeks ago I watched a documentary on the the extremes some individuals in Britain go to in order to have a tan. I was shocked to see people injecting themselves with liquids which aren't even legal to purchase within the UK (they order it online from abroad) and aren't even safely tested yet, but they claim to increase the levels of melatonin within the skin (or stimulate their growth, not sure what they do exactly as I'm not a biological whizz). Anyways, after injecting himself, the guy felt nauseous a lot of the time and woke up in hot sweats in the middle of the night... but guess what? He still kept injecting himself! Not a very bright thing to do, but at least he is forming a tan, right? ...:| Another tanning platform which annoys me is sunbeds. On this programme a lady was having a consultation with a doctor to check underneath her skin before she had Botox done and the results of the facial scan were rather shocking. As soon as the image came up, the consulta