July Haul!
And the world’s most inconsistent “blogger” award goes to… So lately I have not blogged as much as I’d hoped, and I have no excuses apart from pure laziness and lack of inspiration to do so. But… this month is the month I seem to have been buying quite a lot of things I have wanted for agesss. I’m not sure why this is, I think I just got a little bit too click happy with the “add to basket” button and bought a few things from Boots/John Lewis which I have wanted to try. Starting with Boots… Soap & Glory’s “One Heck of a Blot” £12 I’m a big fan of using translucent face powders to set makeup in my t-zone and run underneath my eyes to try and prevent smudges ever since using the Rimmel “Stay Matte” powder which I came to an end of. I decided to try another brand and I’ve heard good things about this one. Also, I’m a sucker for S&G’s snazzy packaging. L’Oreal “Skin Perfection 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution” £3.33 This is pretty much a che...