Feb 2013 Empties


Ojon Damage Reverse Shampoo & Conditioner

In November, John Lewis (and basically every store which stocks Ojon) held an event in which you could trade in a bottle of any brand shampoo or conditioner and you’d receive this duo for free, I think it was to promote the recycling of plastic… can’t really remember! Baring in mind this would set you back around £41 at its RRP, I was thrilled! I’d previously seen a few beauty bloggers rave about Ojon products which made me want to try some myself, so I made sure I got to the store rather early to pick up my freebies.

For the first few uses, my hair genuinely felt different. It became much more slick and easy to manage and as I previously used a lot of heat, it seemed to work wonders on the ends of my hair. But, after using them as my every-other-day shampoo and conditioning products, I started to notice my hair feeling dryer and I felt like my hair was becoming immune to the restoring properties promised by the product.

Personally, I enjoy using shampoos which lather up as I feel they are giving my hair a thorough and deep clean, but this product hardly lathers up which made me feel like I wasn't using enough, thus making me use more, which just made my hair become more drier. I also find that this Ojon duo smells rather masculine?  

I feel overall, this product just wasn't for me, and I would definitely not repurchase it (especially at that ridiculous price!) as there are cheaper alternatives which work just as good, if not, better!

Batiste Dry Shampoo

Until the age of around 14, I tried to wash my hair every single day, until I read somewhere that Demi Moore washes hers only once a week, which made me completely reconsider my hair washing regime. From then on and to this day, I decided I’d wash my hair twice a week (unless I've exercised, then I’ll wash it a.s.a.p.!) as washing your hair every single day is terrible because your hair needs to produce natural oils to keep it healthy. Washing my hair this amount of times a week is perfect for me as it never gets to the point of being greasy and when I do wash it, shampoo and conditioner seems to work better and give my hair a deeper clean.

For in-between days, I like to keep a dry shampoo handy, and I often carry a travel sized one in a makeup bag to take with me to work. I feel that dry shampoo just refreshes my hair and give it more body. I adore the smell of this Tropical Batiste Dry Shampoo as I feel it smells like a mix between coconuts and fruit and isn't too lingering. I find the only downside to Batiste products is how they do not last long at all, although they are relatively cheap it just annoys me having to fork out around four quid when the containers look like they contain a lot of product, giving me false hope that they are going to last a long time.

I will probably repurchase this product in the future, but I am going to try Superdrug’s own make as they are a little bit cheaper and I've heard that they work just as well.

Aussie Heat Protection Spray

I love Aussie products. I have repurchased this product an uncountable amount of times as I feel it does completely protect my hair. I often straighten my hair after it’s been dry for a while so I have to use a spray, rather than a heat protection serum which is applied when the hair is damp and then blow dried in. After using this product, my hair has the typical Aussie aroma which is just really refreshing (I would love to give you an in-depth run down of the smell but frankly I’m just terrible at describing scents! To me; if it smells good, it just smells good). The Jojoba oil ingredient within this product makes my hair notably softer and slicker.

Although I will be trying some other heat protection sprays to see if I’m missing out on any others which are on the market, there’s no doubt I will repurchase this one in the future. 


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