Summer Wishlist

Here's some things I've been lusting over for Summer '13! Gandys Flip-Flops Many were left orphaned after the Tsunami, including the Gandys brothers, and they’ve decided to release a range of flip-flops in order to raise money for fellow orphans to make sure they get a better quality of life. The flip-flops cost £19.99, which seems a lot for a flimsy bit of footwear, but as it says on the website, they are a “Purchase with Purpose” and come in a wide variety of shades. I personally love the blue, yellow & pink ones. The money the brothers raise is being used to open a children’s home in their parent’s memory. Tortoise Shell Ray-Ban Wayfarer I’d love to own a pair of these tortoise shell Ray-Bans as I think they look incredible with almost any outfit and I love the classic Wayfarer style. I’ve wanted a pair for a few years now but can’t bring myself to fork out on the £120ish price tag. ...